June 25, 2012
Members Present: Beverly Potvin Kenniston and James Dillon
1. Acceptance of Minutes
Motion was made by Beverly Kenniston and seconded by James Dillon. It was voted to approve the minutes of the May 21, 2012 assessors’ meeting.
2. FY2013 Preliminary Tax Bills
The Principal Assessor has prepared the FY2013 Preliminary Tax Bill files. The tax bills will be mailed on June 29, 2012. First quarter tax bills will be due on Wednesday, August 1, 2012.
3. Appellate Tax Board Appeals
The Board of Assessors received two appeals to the Appellate Tax Board for FY2012 from denials of abatement of taxes on real estate. The cases are Robert H. Gallo, Appellant and Robert W. Mansfield, Appellant. Both matters have been referred to Town Counsel at Mirick O’Connell, Attorneys at Law.
4. MAAO Conference
Beverly Kenniston, Principal Assessor, attended the Massachusetts Association of Assessing Officers Conference. A Mock Appellate Tax Board Trial for a small apartment building was presented. Brenda Cameron, Deputy Chief, Bureau of Local Assessment, Department of Revenue, presented highlights of the next round of re-certifications.
5. Next Meeting Date
The next meeting of the Board of Assessors will be held on Monday, July 30, 2012 at 3:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted:
Beverly Potvin Kenniston, MAA
Principal Assessor
APPROVED: ____7-30-2012______